no.12 - Party of ex PM's parents (5,2,6,5)
No.21 - If Mr Barrow had come to Britain, this could be his lament (2,6,4,4,3,5)
Can anyone give me clues, please?...
Last one neede to complete this quiz - can anyone give me a clue please? IV,d (9) The answer is a place in the UK, either the clue or place name includes a reference to moeny. I thought the d referred...
One answer eludes me - No. 65 - do these children need a nanny ? I've got Goat Island - but children is plural - and I've exhausted every film/book with nannies in, in the hope of a beam of light. can...
Answer must contain the consecutive letters ph 747! the only possible answer I've come up with doesn't have anything to do with aircraft - can anyone give me a clue to this last one I now need? Many...
One to go and my brain has seized up! Can ane please give me a clue to No.57 - One who is interested in the Arts?. (7,7) The answer is something that has wings or can fly. Many thanks.
Can anyone kindly give me a few clues to the answers to the following (I've tried the anagram solver and my brain to no avail!) 24 Flinty ground northeast 26 A milk white cod 27 Mythologist was...
Can anyone please give me a couple of clues to help me solve the last 2 I need to finish this quiz. I've tried all combinations of anagrams, initial letters and Googled names - but nothing helps. No...
Can anyone kindly give me a few pointers/hints with the following, please ? 2 Polite designer/construction worker (5/8) I think it ryhmes with Gondolier - but I may be wrong! 37 International boundary...
I have only two to find to complete this one and I've tried for ages to no avail. Can anyone help with these, please. All the answers contain either the word BEE, Honey, or Bird. Many thanks in...
Please can you tell me what you need to do to get your picture on your profile? I had a feeling you have to submit a certain number of questions(?) but I may have made that up. Many thanks
Is anyone doing the December Heage? I know it doesn't close until 31st December, but with the Christmas post, I think it'll have to be posted earlier than usual. I've had no luck whatsoever with Nos....
Just the one to do - can anyone help, please with a clue.
No. 38 Garage space (for example) 7/4.
The answer must have the consecutive letters EAR in it. Many thanks....
No 10 eludes me. What bird has red feet in the summer and yellow feet in the winter?
I've found nothing at all to help. Can anyone give me a clue, please? Many thanks...
I've almost completed this one but No. 24 is a problem. I've found the lyrics, but the title doesn't contain the word "eyes" - bt Earth Wind and Fire. "One more lonely night for me, I...
Both are US counties.
No. 10 A place to buy bazaar toys (7)
No. 82 Call sign of LM-5 (5) I thought this might be Elmore.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank youi...