If the Universe is expanding then an observer at one point in the universe would see all the points moving away from him ( like the dots on an inflating baloon) , then why do Galxies cross in the path...
Is it possible to believe in both Evolution and in God as well? Eg. Scientist have claimed that earth was formed from a big bang and humans evolued from other animals and they say the have evidence to...
Did I hear correctly that Astronomers have discovered a vast expanse of space , where there is literally no stars ? If correct how do they know this , given the enormity of the space as obvioulsy they...
so, when we "evolved" into humans...what happened then? did we evolve at the same time, but just in different countries? or did we evolve in one place, then moved around and started living else...
Does anybody else agree that space travel is a waste of money. Millions is poured into this worthless activity and I think that the money could be spent better elsewhere. Please, somebody tell me what...
The moon landing in 1969 was a huge event and signified the pinnacle of man's achievement. These days however the business of space exploration saps a lot of cash without any new boundaries being...