Recently there have been a spate of posts that have attacked Islam using some barbaric cultural behaviours (honour sic, killings), to try and evidence the belief that Islam supports violence towards...
Scientists predict that something very negative already happening to humans will be completed around 2140A.D..It does not concern the environment,diseases,lack of goods,life expectancy.It will happen...
Not sure if this is the right place, if i were to wear a bike helmet and walk into a shop/ bank i would be asked to remove my helmet so the security cameras could see what i looked like but if a...
Firstly. I have been having this discussion with a friend at work. He is a hardline atheist but believes in ghosts, and even claims to have seen them in a house he once rented. I found this quite hard...,,91251-1 313560,00.html to save the planet? Personally I think it's cows farting that cause a lot of it so the sooner we can eat them all the better!
My fingernails are always dirty! Is there any particular reason for this? I'm a clean person, work in a clean office, yet they always seem to accumulate gunk... ain/leicester-to-be-first-city-where-white-peo ple-are-minority-401968.html Do you see someone of a different...