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Robb Phoenix

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Should there be a limit to stop any indiviual posting successive questions especially exam type ones. They just remove other questions from the same page where other contributors want a reply?
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Robb Phoenix
Why are some of the names in answerbank highlighted with green?
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Now that we are able to analyse the movements of the galaxies has anyone ever plotted their movements and extrapolated back to determine where in space the big bang occurred? If so what is there now?
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Suggest a reason why wind speed is much faster several metres above ground than it is just above the ground.
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Do you think we are the end product of human evolution, have we stopped evolving because we have adapted to our environment and will only change when we have to adapt to a new and probably more...
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Is there any proof that the Earth along with other planets were chunks of matter thrown off by the sun. The reasons for this: 1. the molten metal at the core of the Earth 2. the planetary orbits...
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Why does society look differently at the older person in say a 35-year-old-with-16-year-old relationship if the older person is a man, compared with one where the older person is a woman?
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Is there a scientific principle that explains how the universe operates, does it adhere to a set of rules or is completely random? Bit heavy I know........but facinating.
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If time is relative to speed, and all the parts of the universe are going at different speeds, how can we be sure of the distance to any other part of the universe? As we refer to light years.
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Just as there is antimatter, are there any grounds for suggesting there is such a thing as Antigravity . And could it be the force that keeps the universe expanding ?
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A mutation that deletes one or two DNA nucleotides changes gene function more drastically than a substitution of one nucleotide for another. Why?
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A recent issue of a major astronomy magazine says that dark matter is dead , replacing it with an equally mystical theory ,... so who is right ?
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Did anyone see tonight's BBC documentary on Sharia Law in Nigeria? Any thoughts, and do you think a duel system of Sharia Law and British Law could work here?
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river 0/newsid_7038800/7038874.stm?bw=bb&mp=rm&asb=1 &news=1 Has the world gone mad?! Barbie is Barbie its a plastic doll that surely shouldn't be swayed by...
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Why cant we manufactue gold?, after all we should know the make up of the stuff and how its created and we can make diamonds so why not gold, silver or platinum. or am i just being stupid? Dave.
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will it be possible to make things invisible? Can you see what I'm getting at?
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IF you could dig a tunnel from London UK to Sydney AUS through the centre of the earth and jumped in would you fall out or climb out ... (Hypertheticaly)
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why is the actual yield of a reaction often less than the theoretical yield
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Robb Phoenix
If a man in a car is going at say 200km/h fires a bullet which travels at a speed of 400km/h: 1. the bullet will hit a stationary vehicle ahead it at 600km/h 2. " " " behind it at 200km\h Q1.But if a...
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Robb Phoenix
If I travel say near light speed to a distant planet and return back to earth, Why the heck do i age less than the people on earth? What are the other ways to slow/speed time?

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