I have just started the car up & it made a rather large noise when it started then again after about 10 seconds, so I turned the engine off. The water in the container has [particles of ice in it....
I would like to know if my local council can be held liable for not gritting the public roadways in my area? I slipped whilst crossing the road today and fractured my right arm in the mid shaft...
Advantages of not having to work any more... 1. Don't have to get out of bed at silly o'clock. 2. Can please myself what I do all day. 3. Cheap hair dressers on a Tuesday.. 4. Free transport...Buses/...
I'm a Paramedic who was bought up Catholic, but no longer follows any God. The reason for my question is that I recently had a few classroom days with a Mental Health Professional and he stated that...
http://www.express.co...ests-will-be-sold-off We've sold off our Silver, we've sold off our Gold, we've sold off our manufacturing base, we've sold off our ports, now we are to sell off our forests....
// David Cameron opened the door to a new wave of immigration yesterday by signalling that the Government will let businesses bring in more staff from overseas. The Prime Minister told business...
my bedlington + whippet nibbles her tail all the time, and sometimes other parts, but less often, she has had flea tablets, flea shampoo and front line but still does it, can anyone suggest a reason...
Be happy and content to live on your own, Come and go as you please, Eat and drink when you want, Go to bed then get up when you want, And not to be answerable to anyone anymore, Does that sound good...
Here is the picture, I have 2 - 12V deep cycle batteries. My electric motors need 24V to run and my cameras, video TX, lights, actuator, etc... need 12V. How can I get 12V and 24V out of the same 2...
I have just had the Ecotec 831 fitted and I have noticed the pump starting to run for about 30 seconds for no apparent reason (the central heating is at the moment not switched on), upon investigation...
i swear to god for the past week it's been people that i don't really want to talk to that have been calling and texting me, but i haven't heard a peep from the one person i really wanna talk to. Way...
we live near city centre, im sick and tired of getting parking tickets because i cannot park outside my own door, i cant put cones down as its against the law 9or is it ?) i am thinking of writing...
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual? > WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard. > ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female? > WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town, I'm going...