does being good only because your religion tells you to because you wont get to heaven etc if you dont - and therefore is through fear rather than actually wanting to be good - count as genuine...
Looking ahead to our holiday next year, does anyone know/use an app for an iPhone that can call a UK landline for free or very cheaply from the US and South America? Something like 'viber', but one...
This year I'm joining in with my sister's workplace scheme of giving a present to a child in care. I've been allocated an 11 year old boy. They haven't given any background or an inkling as to his...
There is no legal age limit for leaving a child (under 18) on their own, but it is an offence to leave a child alone if it places them at risk. Parents can be prosecuted if they leave a child...
You've heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves. My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke...
How will you feel when you find out that there really is a God and that you have spent your life mocking him? I know of many athiests who have spent most of their life disbelieving, and then finding...
Tower multi-Splendide 6L 18/10 stainless steel Ref 4317 I have just been given a pressure cooker which is like new but has no manual, I been all over the internet to see if I can find instructions but...
Don't panic I'm not a pedo. I've just met this girl and we're getting on really well. I really like her and she seems to be really into me as well. My worry is that shes 9 years younger than me. I'm...
I am not a regular R4 listener, but I am often in the car around 18:30 - 19:00 and catch their comedy offerings in this slot. I would think that to be a Commissioning Editor for Comedy, a sense of...
My sister has bought a car, and the wheel nuts are locked in place, and she does not have the tool to undo them. She needs a new tyre, and therefore the wheel needs to come off. Any answers please?
For anyone who hasn't heard of it, The Pale Blue Dot is an image taken from the Voyager Space Probe of earth from millions of miles away. This is a new image of earth taken from the Juno probe a few...
A young Naval Officer was in a terrible car accident, but due to the heroics of the Hospital staff the only permanent injury was the loss of one ear. Since he wasn't physically impaired he remained in...
Hi. I have been told all over the internet that witch hazel is good for piles yet on the bottle i have it says dont apply to compromised damaged or inflammed skin so i dont get it.
Just received a new secure key to upgrade my internet banking - has anyone done this yet? It seems a bit of pain as you have to keep hold of the 'mini key' and get a code from it everytime you want to...
Often people say the word diretics when surely the proper word should be di-u-retics. Why do people especially on the shopping channels say jewlerry when the word is jewellery? Whilst I'm on my soap...
have you ever watched a dog howl along to a song? If so, what was the song? I imagine Loving You by Minnie Ripperton or All I Really Wanna Do by Bob Dylan would get them going, but I'd love more...