these are first lines of famous songs----- I can't believe the news today.I can't close my eyes and make it go away. How long? Night time sharpens,heightens each sensation. Darkness stirs,and wakes...
The following are all clues to events that happened over the last century. 1900 The R of M 1908 OG in L 1918 E of TN and family 1920 P begins in USA 1924 RM becomes first FLPM 1932 The FCM by a RM...
Hey wonder if anyone can help me, just noticed a bottle of nail varnish had leaked all over my carpet and has set hard now, i tried getting it out with nail varnish but no such luck. Anyone got any...
Good morning and welcome to a brand new month and a brand new game, the aim of which is to predict as many matches in Kate Mepham's Crosswords - sounds easy I know, in practise - well try your hand at...
Another month has flown by and we're down to the last week yet again - doesn't time just fly when you're having fun !!! and I'm not joking, actually - weekends seem to come around far more quickly...
how pathetic, i've completed the mos xword awhile ago, except for a little 4 letter word: 25d: in indian cookery a slightly unleavened bread have n?a?.. these must be right from 24a brando and 29a...