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I just broke my ankle (poor me!) and I'm going to be in a cast and on crutches for six weeks, basically meaning I will be pretty inactive for those 6 weeks. Has anyone got any tips as to avoid putting...
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This is a notice ouside a beauty parlour close to where I live, I may be a little old fashioned, But, What self respecting man, would be seen going in for beauty treatment?.
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Evening folks. Does anyone have any good tips on cooling down. I'm sitting here with a fan on but it's not helping. I even resorted to buying that Magicool spray today. Thanks.
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Some of you will find this hard to believe but the BEST steak you will ever have is Lidl's supermarket! It's frozen, vacuum sealed, south american rump steak but it is without doubt the...
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My Elvish name is E?rwen T?ral?m My Hobbit name is Poppy Gamwich of the Bree Gamwiches!!!!
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Hi guys This post IS NOT meant to fuel debate, nor is it meant top provoke abuse from females. Right..............................any recommendations please for internet dating sites where the women...
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Anyone got any good recipes?
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personally I think Italy will beat them. I just have this feeling. Their defense is second to none and I think they will step up their game tonight!
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We are in France on Holiday at the moment, and share our country's disappointment. Have read all the postings , laughed, agreed and disagreed with a few. Rooney needs to learn from experience, and...
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Why do I get invisible bruises?I get them round my eyes,mouth and nostrils.Right now,I have one on the left side of my lip.
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Help! I just got a new phone and want to get the Twisted Nerve (Kill Bill) MP3 ringtone for it! I've heard a lot of people with this ringtone and love it, but I can't find it anywhere! Is it because...
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I recently made a list of all the people i'd had sex with. Although i couldn't remember a lot of the names! I'm 30 years old. I'm male and my total is 79. Is that a lot? ps.. i didn't count...
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when i click on a file to download it, it doesnt start downloading, it just opens up a window and takes me to a site called
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Has anybody ever known of or heard of a whiter black woman than Aisleynne? She's like the female Ali G - is it because I is black
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When is the next major football tournie, is it Euro2008? I reckon all the British countries will be in that one...what'd you reckon?
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Can anyone explain who this Mickey character is? I haven't caught every episode and this dude pops up all over the shop privy to all this doctorish knowledge, just who in the godarned gollygosh is he?
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most annoying ABer?
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what is the most answers to a question on AB???
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what body type are you? omg im full of questions today.
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yesmadam rocks.html

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