My partner loves dogs, and wants us to get one. I'm a cat person, and find dogs quite repulsive, particularly their sycophantic devotion and the disgusting way they poo. we're moving to Weymouth next...
the reason i ask is - i want to ask the ab ed if the ?bersensitive profanity filter really necessary? normal swearwords are fair game i guess... but starring out s****horpe for example!? JUST PLAIN...
Can anyone tell me the main physical characteristics of Italians/Sicilians/Greeks, French, and Irish? Or anything they do like gestures or anything? Thanks! If you only know one, that's ok!
Does anyone recall a song that I think is from the 80's and perhaps German - that has some lyrics along the lines of "glug glug glug glug glug glug glug glug" Please don't think I'm nuts. Thanks....
Probably been asked before,but has anyone seen one? Don't mean "Ooh I saw this light in the sky,and it was really bright" style thing. I mean,an object displaying non-ballistic movement. Up...
Hi sft42. Just wanted to say that, based on an earlier thread where you mentioned the book 'Cocaine' by Dominic Streatfeild, I bought the book and am enthralled. Any other recommendations ?? On any...
My friend just explained the following dream to me, can anyone shed any light? "I had a dream last night that I actually got to use the Bat-phone!! In the same dream though I dreamt I was with Jack...
how often and how important is it for my dog to get a booster - I have had him 2 years and he has had 2 boosters. Do I need to do this every year or is it just a way for the vet to cash in
hi i have been off work since feb 2004 after having a hip replacement . i am due to go in on august this year ro have the other one replaced, in the meantime i handed in my notice at my place of work...
I have recently seen a Breast Enlarging Pump advertised on the internet. It claims to increase the growth in breast tissue, I was wondering if anyone else had heard of it, if it works, and if it...
And who by? And what did we sing before it was written? And isnt it time that we had a new one? preferably one that is actually about England, rather than the Queen?