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I like the fringe benefits, free viagra and free sex. How does one join up?...
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Sometimes there is no need for words Would you agree ?...
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I spent the day in London yesterday, travelling all over town in a winnebago, with the Wombles. Brilliant fun :)) We went to Wimbledon,South Bank, Westminster, Chappels Music , and Abbey Road. Now I...
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My own plans are decorating decorating and .... Well you get the picture
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Dickie Doyle. Interred in a Japanese POW camp. A fellow prisoner miraculously managed to survive near-decapitation. He was smuggled back into the camp where Doyle performed surgery on him using piano...
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Do you think the sentences the courts give are good enough to stop this kind of crime.
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Safiya Seems like the guy who was attacked did nothing more than walk past minding his own business, unless of course someone can find a link with more info. The...
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redhelen What an absolute nightmare - I mean even a Norfolk accent would have been better....
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I have been up all night vomiting and the 'other' and I feel quite poorly this morning, having not had much sleep at all, the only thing I can think of is a pub meal of chicken curry and rice with...
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Do you and your partner have a pet name for each other? I'm sometimes known as "asbestos mouth"...
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my mums stomuch is huge and her body weight is normal ,she went for a scan and shes not preganant and no stones anywhere and no enlarged organs and the doctor said it was all gas and poo. and they...
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Going to Costco in a bit. Anyone need anything ? Pack of 48 loo rolls ? Whole smoked salmon ? Magnum of Veuve Clitquot ? Calvin Klein jeans ? A jacuzzi ? Garden furniture ? Sack of rice ? Slab of...
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They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them , a day to love them but then an entire life to forget them. Do you agree with that. (Who are "They" I've...
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What is trout like?
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OK, not sure if anyone will actually answer this one but here goes. My partner and I would very much like to to cam with another couple. Does anyone know of good site that provides such a service? I...
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http://i1101.photobuc...nia/IMG00584-2rar.jpg well just look at this picture and tell me if you like it!...
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and it was fantastic, when was the last one you went to and how did you enjoy it, by the way this is my first post so be gentle please
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What do Lady Gaga, Adolf Hitler, and Ghandi have in common?
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I remember one of the earliest pictures from Mars showed a sphinx like image on the surface of Mars. Now this: http://www.dailymail....-Google.html?ITO=1490 Could there have been life on Mars?...
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I paid a visit to Preston, lancs at the weekend and saw a few street stalls selling parched peas. I was going to get some, but I only like mushy peas so didn't bother. Can anyone tell me what they...

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