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Barbara Walters, of 20/20, did a story on gender roles in Kabul, Afghanistan , several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted that women customarily walked five paces behind their husbands. She...
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I've just taken a bag of fish out of the freezer. I thought it was cod when I bought it but its Alaskan Pollack. Is this similar to cod? Is it a strong tasting fish? I'm cooking for someone who isn't...
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http://www.dailymail....hts-Chicago-bank.html Surely they would have done better if they had worn Burkas. /// Officers described the female suspect as a black woman, about 5’5 tall, wearing...
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anotheoldgit How can this woman prove she has been raped just by taking the man's cut-off penis to the police station? Could it be a case of double punishment for him...
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Why do they only seem to apply to outlaw scum and savages?
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Here's my tribute to the old That's Life days of 'relaxed carrots', tit-shaped potatoes etc. I had a packet of Nik Naks ('nice n spicy flavour) last night and this one fell on my carpet. I kid you not...
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1. It's lovely and sunny outside. 2. My journey home will only be 3.5 hours instead of 4.5. 3. It's only a 3-day working week for me. 4. I get to see my little mischief maker later. 5. Just because....
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I am thinking of changing my provider, I am at present with Virgin, but someone has recommended Talk Talk, as they are much cheaper. Can anyone advise if they get good service from TT, or recommend...
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Does it matter which hand you wear your wedding ring? As far as I know your wedding ring is worn on the third finger of your left hand, but is this true everywhere? I have started to wear mine on the...
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I've seen a lot of posts on here where people seem upset/outraged/downright annoyed etc about things such as immigration, use of the human rights act and similar things. If you feel strongly about...
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I've read various reports of cucumbers and other fruit being blamed for carrying and spreading E.coli among various European countries especially in Germany. Spanish imported vegetables are being...
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I just bought one....cant wait for it!!! Anyone got one...? Any tips, recipies....or dare i say do u like it or absolutley hate it....good reviews so im excited to use it....bought a few 2nd hand...
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anotheoldgit It is reported that A EUROPEAN quango could take control of British border guards, and further plans are for Britain to be forced to accept a share of all refugees arriving...
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http://www.telegraph....uslim-inbreeding.html Scientists can voice their opinions over the dangers of smoking, eating too much, drinking too much and most other life endangering things, but what they...
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I want my name to be clean on Internet. I need to remove my mugshot on Any help?...
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Just watching his 30 minute meals. Why does he put so much olive oil on things? Do any of you put olive oil on top of stuff?
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As requested by Mick-T. lol We had Sushi for lunch. We're having a big family Lamb Roast for dinner so I've snapped up a delicious NZ Syrah to take along. How about you?...
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http://www.dailymail....led-N-word-times.html There are those who (misguidedly) believe that all black people are fine with being referred to as 'n*gger' - even those black people who are culturally a...
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It was a small town and a policeman was making his evening rounds. As he was checking a second hand car dealer’s yard, he came upon two old ladies sitting in a used car. He stopped and asked...
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Just recently I have experienced my mouse flashing 'I' disappearing (only to come back later),.so I have no idea where to begin typing a word. Could anyone please tell me why this is?...

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