I was wondering out of interest, is it more economic to start your engine and leave it running for 5 minutes in the morning to warm up before you drive it (also for the purpose of melting ice) or to...
I bought a bag of organic apples in Sainsburys yesterday and noticed that they've cut down from 6 to 5 in a bag and kept the price the same (?1.89 a bag). Given the already expensive price i think...
What's the difference between the ingredients in value/economy foods and brand name foods? Is it just cheaper ingredients and is it less healthy to eat them?
My eyesight was perfect until a few years ago when i noticed i couldn't see things far away as clearly as i used to. I got some glasses but i didn't need them for driving. Until a few months ago there...
(I'm trying to stop microwave cooking frozen veg and boil fresh. Thanks for any answers.) Carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts and spinach (any other common ones to eat with meat that i can't think of...
Do things your partner do frustrate you or is this just part of a relationship? Things like being untidy, being late, being forgetful, etc. If things they do annoy you is the relationship doomed or...
Did anyone else notice in the Lost finale that they made a mistake (or was it on purpose?!) They go back in time and show Hurley running for the plane. Everyone's boarded and theyre just closing the...
Has anyone else had problems trying to contact the Gadget Shop website customer services? They give a phone number which doesn't appear to work (it goes to a recorded message, says you're waiting in a...
What jokes do Australians make about us? I've heard the one that we apparently don't shower/bath. Are there any other common ones and where on earth have they come from?
Does anyone know if when you transfer money from an account in England to an account abroad and vice versa if you lose a certain percentage to the bank for transferring it and for transferring the...
I'm considering going to work abroad for a year, although i'm worried about going on my own and not knowing anyone in the country. I know lots of people relocate around the country and go to work...
Does anyone know an official website to find out about different types of Australian visas and what the requirements are, etc.? A google search seems to bring up lots of companies who apply for visas...