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im having a thick day what is a group of ducks called if there is a flock of seagulls a group of ducks is ???? i just cant think !!!!...
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I often gaze up at the stars and every once in a while i see a very small ''ufo'' travelling above sometimes they can be super bright or very dull and im pritty sure its to high for an areoplane.
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R1Geezer Looks like the savages that murdered PC Blakelock will finally get brought to justice. No thanks to the local estate who have been with holding information all along. Not...
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And a knotted hankey on the head when the suns shining?
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Tyr again 12a In scattered tribes they chiefly improve digestion 7d fight county cricketer over money...
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can any one help with these clues flowers or plants 1mary is all confused 2a sweet top-knot 3children's author returns first class 4lea's small table top 5a strike breaker has debts 6heavy vechicles...
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sad old git
Hi. A " discussion"started between two friends of mine about homosexuality.One said that the gene is in there when you are born and comes out in later years. My other friend who is a retired...
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he seems too young to be retired, but if he's at work why is he on here during the day, or is he a teacher and its his holidays aswell as mine?
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when i get my results i'll probably post them for you to see. But if i put them as my avatar you probably won't be able to read it and if i put it on facebook page then post you a link that would be...
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14a deadlock 6 letters L-G-A-
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A recent study has shown that if you stroke your lettuce regularly, as well as keeping it moist & sufficiently fed, it will thrive and ultimately taste better. How about it ladies? - Do you agree...
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Have one question left, can someone help please? This flower was a girl dancer at the Folies Bergere. Thanks....
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HELP PLEASE-and explanations 12a happy drug and heroin adult put about 10 ??????I??T 27a one former country smelting 37 in part of the ottoman empire 9,2 words ???????O? 37=clueof press club-4 letters...
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I had my hair cut a couple of days ago, zero setting all over; it takes less than 2 minutes, with very little tidying up at the end, and costs £8. Usually I hand over a tenner and tell them to...
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that i'm going to the prom with my best friend, who happens to be male and gay? But only as friends not as a proper prom date Many people are going with their friends but noone else with theur gay...
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Who would you like to get down and naked with?
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there are reports of several fatalalities...lets hope this lunatic is apprahended soon..what is happening to people nowadays?
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Completely hypothetical... If it were 'proved' that God did not exist, would you feel that your life had no meaning? (I don't want to get into a debate about what evidence would be necessary to...
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What those who are particulary succesful in running slimming courses do! [letters 4,2,3,3,2,3,4] Curses a way of speaking among men. [12 letters] ???????T???? Maintains a point, but it's...
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I was cycling to school this morning with my cousin ... (okay, okay ... that bit's not true) ... ... and there was a trailer on Talk Sport for a 2 hour radio show on Saturday morning about ... ... get...

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