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Ball carrier on bird's back in the sun needing polisher (5,4) looks like steel wool- can see the bird back but why the sun or ball carrier?
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such a government of all the talents would soon have us out of our financial troubles.
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6d Blissful place, city individual getting in the money 7 letters 7d Start journey determined to go over river 5 letters 2 words 3 & 5...
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Mohammed Al Fayed has sold Britain's most famous department store - Harrods - for the princely sum of £1.5bn. Cheap, or non?
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Common mushroom with a thin white stem (3,3) I _ _ / _ A _ Middle name of Denise's son in the Royal Family (5) _ _ A _ U One of a pair of biblical giants (5) M _ G _ _ Thanks !...
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We knew things would come and bite us on the bum, there's talk of austerity? who do you think will suffer the worst? and where do you think the cuts will come? Bobbi...
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To cut a long story short the condom we was using came off and now I need the morning after pill where can I get it cheaply everywhere I look on the Internet it's so expensive which I also find...
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I need help with the following clues for a fireside quiz - the answers are names of sweets or chocolates 1. sticky game - but royal 2. small dog, big County 3. Dick Turpin was a (sort of) Many thanks...
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Good morning everyone - we're enjoying a glorious weekend, beautiful sunny days after a crisp morning - I love autumn [when it behaves !! ] I sincerely hope I've got the correct links - if so, then...
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Jeremy Paxman quizzing Boris Johnson on his sausage in UK election 2010
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Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for thy love is better than wine, His fruit was sweet to my taste his left hand is under my head and his right hand doth embrace me, behold thou art fair...
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No answers in politics so maybe some of you know- What happens to the MPs who were ousted, do they have their previous jobs to go back to or businesses to run, also the staff of their constituency...
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1)Firmament 2)Tree for flogging Thanks for any help...
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Only a few more days before it changes course. tonight 9 51pm for 3 mins then again at 11 27 but just for 1 min. tomorrow Sat 10 16pm for 4 mins Sunday 10 41pm for 2 mins Monday 9 31 pm for 4 mins...
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Scroo the election, and scroo politics. I'm getting ready to go out, with a couple of glasses, just as liveners. Meeting the gang for a few (more) drinks, then going for dinner, then going to a club....
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Should we have a whip round and send in the bailiffs ? He's like some skanky squatter whom you can't get to move out. Next thing, he'll be pinning bedsheets up at the windows, and singing "We...
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40a Gig prop (3) A?? 41d Brain's sensory processing area (8,4) ??r?e?r? ?o?e 67a Three winning numbers (4) Te?n 107d Stick-in-the-mud (4,2,4) S??y ?t ???e 105d Coastal region of NW Africa (7) Ma?hrib...
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17a one who enjoys fine wine and gourmet food 3/6 letters thanks
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Not only did his plane crash but so did his campaign What do these two both have in common? They both polled more votes than Nigel!...

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