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I have been sitting on my computer chair since 2 o'clock this afternoon and it hurts now
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What stage are you going through at this moment? I am hoping for some good times soon thanks to some people that have bought my confidence back on here tonight. Oh and the brandy helped as well....
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I am now feeling so much confident about getting out there and finding a new job next week so I can keep my beloved Jaguar.
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And would like to ask for any advice on how to get another job from anywhere, as I would take anything that is going, even though I am a fully qualified mechanic.
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The most best car in the world? I have just bought a 6 year old one and she is fantabidosious
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Anyone hot on dreams? Scientific and any other explanations please. In my dream I was getting pushed along to some-place I`d rather not be. I woke up suddenly but felt the hands pushing me were really...
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What a bunch of useless cowboys this lot are. I went with my daughter to look at a car and I asked what I thought were the normal questions to ask when buying a car, i.e. can we see the log sheet/mot...

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