I have white handle knives made of something natural (bone?) which should not be put in water. Some of them are looking slightly 'dry' through my husband washing them in detergent when I'm not in. How...
13a Goddess found does go round 7 ???e?er 21a Recipe for alum wrong 7 ?o????a 25a Expressed concern about idiot's clue ! 10 ???????u?e Thanks for help.
I just replied to a question in Art & Lit about Leonardo DaVinci and Michaelangelo, but the question has vanished! What happened there? It was in the right catagory, or has it been removed to go...
6d A North African esparto grass A - - -
11a A do-nothing Merovingian King of France, for example - - I - E - N -
24a A Negroid peopleof West Africa - - S -
Any ideas please?
Hi. I was wondering if someone could suggest the most effective way to expose and promote yourself as a contemporary artist whose medium is mainly oil and acrylic paintings? thank you for your input.
Please can someone confirm the answer to 26d, i have A-a-h-e. not been able to find anything but the spider bit in the clue makes me think its someting like arachne ????
Hi, i am looking at buying a vacuum cleaner specifically designed to pick up pet hair - can anyone tell me if these are worth the money, and if so which is a good brand/ make to buy? thanks gemma
Just 2 to go, any help gratefully accepted. 7d The early stages of consumption (4,7) h-r- d-e---e 14a Lie about money being short (4) l-l- I thought lilo, but why? Thanks
Why is such a major religious event as the annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia so badly managed?At least three hundred and forty five Moslems have been killed performing the Tawaf al-Wad farewell ceremony,...
I know I've seen it mentioned before, but am having a senior moment. What is the word that's been coined here for when two ABers submit the same answer at exactly the same time?
92 27 Sep 98 ? 20 minutes on a train from Highgate village: (???) If I tell you its basement restaurant is an unusual place to take a spot of kidney punch , you will instantly know for what this place...
Hi guys, I am going to be thirty this year and whereas I know this is not old, I don't feel I can ignore the importance of adequate moisterising any longer. I thought about this a year ago and decided...