just caught the last part of the programme tonight and i was mesmerised by cj's new hair do, all he needed was a moustache and he would have been a dead ringer for hitler!
Hi All, Now the Ed's back, I'm thinking about changing my username to one that sounds less masculine! (I am a laydee). Any suggestions? Can you think of a name that would suit me? (Nothing too cruel...
Jo brand has got 2 kids. Does that mean sjhes had sex twice? Or was it ivf / Answers on a chip wrapper to I done jo brand cell number 3 the nut house somewhere in london England
tomorrow me and mr t , will celibrate our 45 wedding aneversary , we married at 16 at gretna green , and have two wonderful children , and grandchildren , it hasnt been that good throughout our lives...
We purchased a cream leather suite a few weeks ago, and am still trying to find a good cleaner and protector for this. None of the DIY shops seem to sell any sort of barrier - can anyone recommend a...
How has your day gone so far? I've had no bad things happen to me today,probably because I just take every other day as just another ordinary day.If anybody is paranoid about this particular date,just...
how or why did you name your pet i have a cat called buster because as a kitten he was fat a cat cat called ( dustypuss ) as he is dusty colored act called sheba looks like the cat on the Sheba advert...
Black people with attitude on Big Brother? Last year it s was loud mouth Charlie, who blew the whole race thing out of proportion, and decided to argue with anyone better looking than her, which aint...