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Following my previous post about sibling issues, my dad cheated on my mum after 32 years of marriage with her best friend, brother 1 found out about it and we confronted him infront of mum, my father...
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I've know people to say they are British and some say they are English. What's the difference?
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I sold my soul to the devil 30 years ago ha ha when I agreed to marry someone I don,t know. after many years of abuse and tourture by this man I deceided not to talk to him but still lived with him...
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Simple question how much is to much? If you have two or three ladies on the go at a time and it meets your needs and they dont know about each other is it a bad thing?
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As fully paid up NI contributors in UK and receivers of a UK state pension - LIVING IN CYPRUS - we applied for the UK Winter Fuel Allowance. Our request was denied because we had not received it in UK...
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I'm thinking of getting a George Foreman grill - anyone used them? What do you think of them? What do you cook on them? Are they worth the money? There are so many different types - which is the best?...
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wats peoples opinions im thinking of trying their foundation?!
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texted ex last night after a few drinks - hadnt been in touch for over 4 months and all my good work is undone - he ignored me too! can anyone make me feel less of a schmuck....?
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I've had a true blue dratsab of a year. How about you? Is 2007 a year to be forgotten or was it truly memorable for the right reasons?
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Hello. A very bad thing happened to me last night. I declined going to a party and stayed at home. However I got a bit drunk and my brothers girlfriend came home early as my brother was a bit drunk...
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Have been on a site for a while, its a friends/dating one. Had this chap messaging me. He is married, so I told him, I would rather not chat to a married man. I thought it unfair to his wife, even...
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From being a ladette, to now , singing diva on Children in need. She is as annoying as Billy Piper
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Been on the other side (you know, the Real CB), but like to stick a toe in here every now and again - so what have I missed?!
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My boyfriend is 25 and about to be 26 come January. Its our first Christmas together and we are completely in love, I want to get him something extreamly memmorable for his xmas gift. Later we plan on...
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bill preston
in last nights EE, phil told jase that he "owned him"? does this really happen in real life?? and also, why did i get the black clown from a league of gentlemen in my head when he said it?
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so, whats the borerline between bordem and depression? or are the two linked? why am i asking? well, i get bored, very quickly, very easily. then i go down hill, cant think anything positive, and find...
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Please tell me some fun games to play for two or more players that require no prepation & ones I can't find easilly on the search engines! PLEASE Love it if you could help!xxx
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Hello All, Help, what is a girl to do? Mr Paramedic has been in touch - not sure what to do - I feel so torn !
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My 7 year old daughter is asking Father Christmas ( wink wink ) for a Nintendo DS handheld game. Q1. Is she too young for the games etc Q2. What is the general view on this piece of kit. Has anyone...

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