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doctor spock
Just watched it.Who else thinks Dalpne Fowler is extremely irritating. Why does Kevin never smile.
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Blackpool council have threatened a 79 year old man with a fine or imprisonment for returning to the beach sand which has blown into his garden, the council accuse him of fly-tipping. What should he...
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AB Asks
We constantly hear about pregnant celebrities, some will be single mums, some will be married but one thing is for sure they will splashed all over the newspapers. Weeks after giving birth they will...
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Can anyone tell me why Liz Hurley is so famous. She wore a black dress with safety pins. She went out with Hugh Grant. But I cant think of a single film, television programme, that she has been in. I...
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my niece and my son last had contact yesterday evening and today my niece has come down with chickenpox is there a high risk of my son getting it TIA
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If you could do anything at all right now ..what would you do..
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So how good was this? i thought it was brilliant, great writing and fantastic acting. Catherine Tate is wasted on comedy if you ask me. I thought she was superb. Who else loved it?
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You guys watching bbc2 tonight 18\02. (no doubt I'll have Mi5 knocking on me door after this post). Conspiracy by the US government or just an act of terrorism? Thoughts?
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Not quite sure this is the right section to post this question in, but recent reports suggest that British people are flocking to live abroad. Would you want to live abroad, and if so where - and why?
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what foods can be eaten to help with prostate cancer
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Are there any supermarkets which will accept vouchers even if you haven't bought the product the voucher is actually for?
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Can anyone tell me where in london this is on?
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I work in a supermarket and have just been searched on my way out of the building by a member of the opposite sex. Is this allowed or does it have to be a same sex search???
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I am attending the funeral tomorrow of a family friend who died suddenly at the age of 49. I have never been to a funeral before; i have been lucky not to lose anyone close to me yet, but I am really...
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do you require planning permission to build a conservatory
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I've just took my earrings out after them being left in for quite some time and as soon as i did small lumps came up where the piercings are and i can't get the earrings back in now. The lumps are...
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On e of the main stories on tonights itv and bbc main news has been, once again, the saga of the young scottish girl who has decided to live with her father in Pakistan. Why is this even on the...
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I was just curious about what different variations of grandmother people use. Strangely I use grandma for my mother's mum and nanna for my fathers mum. I have a friend who calls her grandma mami (not...
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Goodsoulette 799.stm I have a 16 yr old cousin who had encephalitis as a baby. She has been left blind, unable to talk, almost deaf, has cerebal palsy, a form of...
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Will it now become compulsory for all coaches to have seatbelts? after such a dreadful accident :-( I thought they were on tachographs after hearing the driver was aledgidly(sp)? speeding...

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