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?8m plus some player I've never heard of... what's going on? Surely Michael Owen is worth more than that, someone please tell me this Nunez guy is a football wizard that I just haven't happenend to of...
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I have a 5 year old Renalut Clio with a squeeky wheel. Everytime I turn left at low speed, the front left wheel makes a noise like grinding metal. Any idea what this could be?
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what songs have been written about sport
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After seeing 'What are the odds?' question, is it true that actually the chances of rolling ten sixes in a row,say, on a dice is juts one in six because each role has its own probabilty as is not...
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Why do my messages not appear ? I've been trying to answer a question on Body and Soul and they just seem to disappear into the ether. Not happened before.
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Dave Potts
If you were to deal out 11 cards at random from a full deck of 52 cards, what would the odds be of all 11 cards being of the same suit, and how in the name of Alan d'you work that out? Ta.
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A spider is in a rectangular room measuring 40x10x10metres. The spider is on the 10x10 metre wall, 5metres from the sides and 1 metre above the ground. A fly is on the opposite wall 5 metres from the...
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A train was going from Aye to Bea, but an hour after staring the engine developed a fault, and the train had to continue at 60% of its former speed. The driver said that if the fault had occurred 50...
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which 2 players appeared in 3 fa cup finals for 3 different clubs?
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i know the answer but would like to see other people's. if it takes a man and a half, a day and a half, to dig a hole and a half, how long does it take for half a man to dig half a hole?
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Yep, I'm obsessed with asking questions this week... Pointless Question Number 4... Anyway, is there a word for someone you live with whom you're not married or engaged to, so isnt husband or fiance?...
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Sarah Kelly
took your blanks into your blanks
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Who do you think will take the top 5 positions this year, and in what order?? I'll go for Arsenal, Chelsea, Man Utd, Newcastle and Boro.
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did anyone hear the letter that was given out this morning
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The phrases and sayings is now clear of blank tucking. Has the competition finished? what was the answer? Though I loathed all the questions I was curious what the answer was. Like one of those guess...
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In which sport do you use a piece of equipment 6' long and 6" high
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The clue is "from no.1 to no.7"
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Does anybody know what the two 'blanks' stand for?

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