Its deader than an doormouses knocker on here where have all the acwazzzy people gone and what are you having for next wenesdays dinner. Did you win the lottery next week. When was the last time you...
Local authorities' planning departments come in for a lot of stick but I think it's well deserved. Take this as an example. Who, in their right mind, would've put London where it is? One the busiest...
My work colleage was singing this song (i'm sure hes gay)..... its soo annoying... just picked out some of the lyrics... which im soo annoyed with:::: Every girl wants You to be her man But I'll wait...
I'm on my way to the Woolpack to have a few pints with uncle Zak and Sam may even see if there's anyone in there under 35 that i might deem good enough to take me home for a good session.after seeing...
Appropriate music when holding on phone. Water company. Cool clear water Frankie Laine. Dentists. All I want for christmas is my two front teeth.The Chipmunks. Local undertakers. Dead ringer for love....
dalton drinking glass from a set of sorts god blimey ohppssss i did it again red wine int if i break it well xxxxxxxx 2 btles of red 12% proof for ? 4.00 not to be sniffed at and a nice one too...
An apockoliges (well you know what I mean). Just lately I dont know if any of you have noticed but I have not been my normal self and have been posting some things on here that are not like me. Well...
Hey all! Not the right place for this and have posted in jobs and education, but hoping for some input from people in here to! :) I'm 21 years old and currently work in accounts at the head office of...