So are you sitting on one of those swivel chairs? if so how many times can you spin round before you get dizzy. get back to me with your answer , i'll leave you to swivel.
down the local shop for local people. Was wandering down the isles off basildons tescoe's and there was this bird running around shouting out " Oi knobbs wheres me basket" and off course I thought oh...
a medal at the Olympics? is this you celebrating in Beijing? //
Did you know the following facts .... We now have more people ijn England over 60 than under 16. 25% of all child birth is to women (Well wouldnt be men would it) , who were not born in the uk. The...
im 15 but REALLY want a baby, iv bin with my bf for about 1yr and 8 months now i can understand why he dosnt want one bcoz he is 17 i dont no what to do, i dont really want to speak to my mum about it...
anyone seen this before? LOL i wanna go! ft seems abit pointless and lazy to me though - whatcha reckon?
I don't mind if you just call me Sir Randy. About time I had a self appointed award. The Royals do , so why can't we. Anyone fancy being a member of the order of the garter ? You don't need to have...
Coming home from Croydon I passed the scene of last night's murder, still cordoned off with loads of police about. Maybe not connected, but a few yards away was a large unmarked white van with a large...
I have decided to go for a drink to try and cleanse my mind and body. Having witnessed the most horrific pornographic images ever seen on a family site, I need something to try and forget. It has...
and I quote: 'Its no wonder your hubby smacks you around it seems to me that you can turn just like that' Well well -thats the type of person he is and for good measure I shall forward to Whiffey so...
Could having to register to use Chatterbank (in additional to being registered on the general site) be a possible answer to getting rid of trolls? If people had to register with only one username per...