again eyesight is not good and to try and read that font and lines ... who ever is doing it is selfish and needs to grow up ...not all users are smart arses and can sort it ...sad ..but there is...
ace just installed my new acer computer slim line screen first time im using it i thought i was going to have to re register but thank god i dont as it would of been a night mare got loads of things...
Do you agree? I personally think it can be funny. But when you get an insecure dwarf handed ex military style bottom bandit doing it then it just doesnt work? Please discuss in great detail
I haven't used gas for over 3wk now (except to cook a quorn burger) and now fresh out of the shower my hair is wet, I'm just about to go and hairdry my hair with electric dryer but I notice it's windy...
Lunchtime beckons. shouldi have a smalll beer , una cana ? or just go for a pint , una jarra , with my lunch ? im thinking of going to las vistas beach to admire the view ....
what is this silver machine? I just got a new car but its a silver beetle. Im a bit embarrassed about it but i will be working away and my gf can use it. Can i take this opportunity to call 4GS toss...