im at work and its mentally retarding my brain. please help. i was also just told im not dressed appropitaly, and can i dress smarter please. Face? Bovered? Shat it!
Ive taken it twice in 2 weeks and now i need to take it again. Im due on and im upset coz ive really messed myself up due to split condoms. Will they work so close together?
This may sound silly, but im fed up of the over loud sirens emergency services use, and i dont think they need to be that loud. Now, i dont have a problem with sirens in general, if i needed the...
This may sound weird, but last night my four year old cousin told my aunt last night to get out of the bedroom as she wanted to talk to madeline. When my aunt asked where madeline the four year old...
Can anyone help me please. Im 28 and suffer from spots under my skin, there small and many, however i dont suffer from oily skin and all the antibacterial products are too harsh, as my skin is also...
Whats that all about? half her forehead is quite lighter than the other half. That cant be natural, iff it is then fair play, otherwise it looks like she's died her forehead hairs light blonde too. ??
Im sick and tired of the Picture Loans advert where the woman with a horrible Geordie accent is on the phone and her non existant 'son' is complaining about not being able to find his scooter blah...
Ive got two cats and a smallish house, though plenty of space for excersising. I have not owned a dog before, and have read that for big dogs they have lovely temperaments. Is this true? i also have...
Ive recently met this really nice guy, ony thing is his phone has been off for over a day now (since yesterday morning) and he texted me from his brothers phone once to say his battery is dying and he...
I always thought that man in the wedding pics looked familiar somehow. Has any one else had any thing similar happen to them/ their familiy? Shame Ronnie biggs didnt make it!!
Men have all these things-blow up dolls ect, but if a robot was created that could have sex, clean up and generally be a good boyf substitute without the strings would you buy one? !!! (i would!!)