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Ok folks - this will test some memories! I am trying to find out the name of the show hosted by Isla st Clair in the early 80's possibly late 70's - I'm sure she sang the title song (which is what I'm...
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wee scottie
1. Is there a cure for Athlete's Foot? 1. Can it be prevented?
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What is the largest bird in the world with webbed feet? thanx in advance
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what sound does a yak make?
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I have 9 fuschias which I bought as plugs, they grew large and were full of bloom until about 5 weeks ago the last week of the hot hot weather, since then 7 out of the 9 lost there last flowers and...
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My climbing plant ,orange trumpet creeper has grown these wierd looking pods they look like small bananas We have this plant for years and i have never seen them before,does anyone know what i should...
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I have a mature Hibiscus in my garden and I want to move to a different spot. When should it be moved and what conditions would best suit it ?
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I have an Acer about 3ft hight and the same wide. I would like to move it. What is the best time to do this and also is it likely to survive?
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I've inherited an overgrown garden from the previous tenant. Well it's not big enough to be called a garden as it's hardly 2m by 2m. It's all foot long grass and, I think, dandilions. I have no...
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My neighbour has a lovely ornamental tree overhanging us but she doesn't know what it is called, perhaps you can help. It has long bipinnately compound leaves (I only know these words after searching...
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Just a few questions: 1) How many times in a year will she come in season? 2) How are the seasons spaced out? 3) How long is an english springer pregnant for? Any help would be greatly appreciated,...
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I have 2 cats and in the past, I have bought the white fleece with the green backing ( as seen on animal programmes on tv) for their bed. The lady that I used to buy it from has finished trading and I...
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When is the best time to prune a plum tree? Much obliged.
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When is optimum time to pick these? Or does one wait until they fall? Does the outer casing have to be black?? There's a heavily laden tree in a hedgerow a short cycle ride away and I'd like to get...
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I would like to plant several fruit trees around my garden. I would like apple, pear and plum and was wondering what is the best time of year to plant these. Also, does anyone have any good places in...
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Hi there, what is the best time to plant 1. Raspberries 2. Rhubarb 3.Gooseberries 4. Logan berries and also, anyone know a good supplier? many thanks all your fruitey gurus out there! mimi
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how long does a midge live for?
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Hi, We've had our cats for almost a year now. And we've got them to a stage where they were completely comfortable outside. (although our house is a listed building so it's not allowed to have any...
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Does anyone know how long a dog is pregnant for, please? THANKS :-)
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Dee Sa
I bought a minature fig tree from the newspaper, its in a very large pot with drainage, its healthy and has doubled its size, but I dont want it ti get too big. Any tips please on how to look after...

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