Was getting off a packed train and I was wearing flip flops on my feet. As I stepped down onto the platform a girl behind me must have stood on the back of one of my flip flops. As the crowd surged...
A man goes into an adult store and asks for an inflatable doll. The assistant behind the counter says "Male or female?". The customer says "female." The assistant says "Black...
A friend of mine has just given birth last week to a little baby boy. She already has 2 boys and 2 girls, so had kept all their old baby clothes. When I went to meet baby she she was wearing all blue...
Can't remember who it was but on here a few weeks ago we were discussing fleas as there is a bit of an epidemic at the moment. e had some, presumably from the cats, and couldnt get rid of them, Well...
Ok, its not here for quite a while, but what do you like and what do you hate about winter? I just love eating all the wintry comfort foods - cassoles, dumplings,stews! Also love the snow, and log...
I'm the type of person whon always sends cards to people, even if I don't get one back - it's just the way I am. But what do you do if somebody has been really vile, and you know its their birthday...
you can't choose your family. I've heard that said so often. So you can love somebody because they are a relative/family, but that doesn't mean you have to like them. Do any of you have family that...
Oh im getting asked a lot of stuff by the new mum staying with me lol.
She had baby 4 months ago. is now on a period but it has lasted for 4 weeks so far. Is that typical?? I can't remember....
Was just wondering - have things changed in how you store made up bottles since my youngest was born? My son,gf and baby are staying with me, and she makes up the bottles in the morning and just...
I have a Blackberry, and on it I get my texts and also my emails from a hotmail account that I have. Yesterday i logged onto my laptop to try and find a specific email in my hotmail inbox, and whilst...
My face has been itching and itching for hours - its driving me mad! mainly my nose, Ive rubbed so much to stop the itch that my face/nose is really sore. have taken an anti-histamine and that hasnt...
My neighbour has just knocked on my do and poured boiling water on them, or, saying with horror that she thinks she has found maggots in her lounge. Have gone and looked, she had swept them up with a...