My son still hasnt mastered swallowing most tablets and so when on antibiotics the doc gives him medicine instead. He has just seen doc and been given prescription. Have collected it from chemist,...
Name 5 things that you always, or nearly always have in your fridge.
(Not including milk or butter!)
Mine are:
1.Packets of gnocchi
5.Fresh ham...
How hard can it be to get one?? The hutch is about 6 weeks old and from Petsathome store, who don't do the cover for it! I've been on Ebay, and apart from them nearly all being new and very expensive,...
Just out of the blue has started raining like I have never seen before - my patio is completely covered in an inch of water within 5 mis and drain cant even cope with it, its so heavy. Yikes!!
I've been proposed to in a field under a tree, on a beach, in a hotel bar and on a ride at Alton Towers! Never the more typical scenario of in a restaurant over dinner etc.....
What about you?...
Im 99% sure thats what its called but after being told twice and still not hearing properly I didnt want to ask again! A woman I work with has 2 children, a girl and a boy, and when I met the boy he...
Over a long girly lunch yesterday we got around to chatting about partners/hubbies as per usual! We were asking each other what we would never ever forgive them for doing. All very different answers,...
My son had a friend round. Friend told me his mum was in hospital with lung cancer. I was really shocked and really felt for him seeing as I lost my own mum to cancer. Son looked even more shocked and...
I need to buy one, with a built in camera, but googling is bring up so many versions. Do you know the best place to buy one at the mo, or who is doing the best deal? TIA
Was getting off a packed train and I was wearing flip flops on my feet. As I stepped down onto the platform a girl behind me must have stood on the back of one of my flip flops. As the crowd surged...
A man goes into an adult store and asks for an inflatable doll. The assistant behind the counter says "Male or female?". The customer says "female." The assistant says "Black...
A friend of mine has just given birth last week to a little baby boy. She already has 2 boys and 2 girls, so had kept all their old baby clothes. When I went to meet baby she she was wearing all blue...