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Whatever does anyone see in this person? I do not find him in any way comical, or amusing. His voice & actions irritate me so much, I can't wait to switch off the minute I see his face....
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Some years ago, I had a simple calculated formula of how to work out from a date of birth, which actual day of the week a person was born on. I just can't remember it, so wondered if any of...
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I read in the paper this morning, that the 'over a hundred year old' British Red Cross emblem, is to be replaced with a Red Triangle. The reason given, is so that it does not offend Muslims. What...
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Manslaughter - Man's Laughter. I noticed this on the pin board of a crime series last night. Are there any other interesting words you can think of that you could change into meaning something else?
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I'm trying to get used to seeing the Username at the top left side of Answers, but would prefer to see it at the bottom as before. I feel it detracts a bit, as it's so close to the beginning...
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AB Ed - If your new pink 'Technical Issues' box is going to stay at the top of Suggestions, that would be great. If not, perhaps you could insert an 'AB Technical Issues' category under Topics for...
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Ab Ed - have you thought any more about my previous suggestions for including the user's country of origin?
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AB Ed - Why have you banned my OJ Simpson thread? Is there an ulterior motive?
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Just wondering if anyone actually takes notice or opens up any of the 'Adverts' adorning the site?
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A few years back I watched a programme about a steam train journey in a place called something like Mulag in SCOTLAND? I've tried different variations of this name on Google, but only Germany shows...
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Before the AB upgrade, you had to return twice to obtain a new paragraph. Since the upgrade, you only have to return once, otherwise you'll get a double para spacing, which takes up so much space. :0)
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IMHO, I think the orange boxes showing: Rate this Answer Report this Answer Take up too much space on top of one another, when the rest of the line is empty!
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Nice to see the site has had an overhaul, also seems to be less technical problems than of late. However, would like to see: Question title in larger/bold text  Username in larger/bold...
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As AB Ed has just banned my legitimate question on this subject, I shall rephrase it & see if it stays.   Do you agree/disagree with the following current laws? Would you like to...
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AB Ed - Sorry to mention this again, but it is so frustrating not being able to accesss the 'next page' & read all the answers, along with all the other problems on AB. Why is it taking so...
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In the last few days, every time I've switched on/off our brass light switches, or touched anythng metal etc., I've been getting electric/static shocks. It used to happen to me a lot at...
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If you were to use a PC with 256 RAM, then use a 512 RAM, would you notice a 'substantial' difference in performance. I know the latter has more memory space, but would the speed be 'that' much more...
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Are there any experts out there, that could tell me what is /has the best performance. AMD or Intel Pentium 4?   I have perused the net, but there is so much conflicting information, it...

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