My cat is now 18 months old. Very sweet most of the time, but since neutering she doesnt like being picked up, or put down, but actually is fine in between, while I am holding her. She seems to have...
This is one of the best scams I have heard about. You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front desk.Typically when checking in, you give the front desk your credit card (for any charges to your...
How can companies such as Animed and Petdrugs online, sell this product so cheaply? Ar they safe to use? They are over £20 cheaper than the vet, including buying a prescription......
We have had our flat screen Panasonic TV for around eight years and have noticed patches of different colours on the screen, almost like a colour wash, on people's faces and backgrounds. Can this be...
Since watching the dreaded Jeremy Kyle over the past couple of days, what are the worst chavviest names that so called parents call their children? I have to start off with Jayden and Kayden...
So I presume Strictly is live on the Saturday, the Sunday programme is recorded afterwards on the same evening. If anyone decides to vote ( does anyone, really?) are the lines open till Sunday...
Why is it when I type the word in my search box on my ipad, as it loads, the word I typed changes to as the gumtree page comes up?
Just been given one, in a box, says for best results start to grow by end January. Should I leave it in the box and not water it, until then? And if so, and I leave it in the box, where should I store...
I have bt internet and decided to change my password. Went into on my laptop and changed password, all works OK. Then I made the password the same on my ipad by going into Settings, clicking on...
Thought I would share this with any cat lovers whose cat wont take their pills. If you have any fingers left get some Easy Pill Cat Putty. It is soft and smells of fish, wrap it around the pill and...
Sorry cant copy and paste but a woman in Wales advertised her gorgeous pug puppies for sale, when someone came around and tried to steal them, suddenly she called them her babies... Would you sell...
Model EN 28600. It is set to number one,minimum setting. But seems really cold and frosty, cannot even get a spoon into the ice cream, it is rock solid. The fridge freezer is around eight years old, I...