whats the song in the car ad where the car is driving along a street surrounded by different coloured sky scrapers which are moving up and down in time to the music?
Who is the girl in the which computer magazine ad whose dad comes in drenched from shopping and she says "honestly dad, I dont know why you dont do it online!" or alternatively is there anything else...
I'm getting the 'megabus' to London from Coventry Cannonh Park next week, was just wondering, is this Cannon Park the retail park or is it a different one?
Just dyed my hair and have managed to dye my hand as well, have tried the following to get it off- make up remover soap nail polish remover some horrible soap with bits in intended for people who work...
following on from curlyfilms question, whats the strangest thing you've lost? Mines a friends sock, she stopped over at my house, accidently left a sock in my room and it never showed up, even when we...
very sorry this isn't a b&s question but know it'll get answered here! why are some of the posts highlighted in red...theres one in the music section I think?
I read a book as a child, it was a picture book and a grandfather who had a moustache was relaying a story to his grandson about when he was younger (I think) and went looking for something he had to...
went to see the nurse today and she said its just a sore, probably from my shoes rubbing....feels worse than that to me but there you go! will keep an eye on it and if it doesnt get better will see a...
I'm planning to go to London for a day, if I wanted to see all the touristy stuff....tower bridge, trafalger square, big ben...any other suggestions? Just want free stuff! Also, for a day tube ticket,...
I have a very painful little toe it has been this way for a few weeks for sometime, very red and swollen, to start with i thought my new shoes were rubbing on it but having worn different shoes,...
I'm looking to go to Alicante at the end of January but at the moment the temperature there is exactly the same as here (we were mainly going to get away from the horrible weather!) I cant find any...