The one Nestl? product that I am starting to miss is Coco Shreddies. Why does Nestl? have a monopoly on the production of these? Where can I find a comparable product that is in accordance with my...
Father bought a jar of decaffeinated coffee by mistake, and I don't want to throw it away. How can I buy some caffeine to fix it? And how much should I put in? I've tried mixing it with normal coffee,...
Say you wanted some nice shiny pennies, so you left them in a bottle of vinegar for a few months and forgot about them, and you came back to discover that the copper coating had partially dissolved...
Could somebody explain the payment methods on eBay to me? If an item is listed as "PayPal accepted" and no other payment method is mentioned, do you -have- to pay with PayPal? Nothing on the eBay site...
If someone is drawing benefits under the guise of being homeless, how homeless must he be? Does being allowed time alone in a private residence with access to amenities (drinking...
I saw an advert saying "a million women can't be wrong" and immediately thought "I bet that many women voted for Hitler" but although I can find the share of the popular vote in the July '32 election,...
I think I read the other day that adding bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) would make bleach more effective, but I wanted to check that it wasn't sodium carbonate (washing soda) that works. Which one...
My father's completing some sort of tax declaration and he wants to know what happened in 1999 to make Anglian's share price go from 47 1/7p to 10p. Does anyone know where I could find this...
I'm stuck after about 1/6 of the damn thing. So one that might open the grid up a bit more for me.. 14a - "administer a horrid enema to be purged of this?" (9) ??A?????? Thank you
1D 'Instructor's rebuke to non-commissioned soldiers' T*T** I'm fairly sure it's "tutor" but I can't work out how "OR" is a non-commissioned soldier. Any explanations?
If I choose to unlock my mobile phone via less... O2-endorsed methods, must my network operator still provide me with a PAC to transfer my number? (I have had the phone for more than 12 months, so it...
A letter is marked with an accent is said to be accentuated; one marked with a circumflex is said to be circumflexed. If a letter is marked with a diaeresis, what can it be said to be?" Diaeresed"?...
I heard about a Japanese plan to put a LASER in space (a bit James Bond) which would reflect solar energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. It seemed quite a funny idea but I haven't seen much...