I've tried looking on Google without any luck; I would like to know if there is a site where it is possible to enter a definition so as to find a word with that meaning. Failing that and I feel stupid...
I've heard that sometimes the machines which randomly dial up homes for sales purposes don't hang up after calling. Does this mean that you wouldn't be able to call the police if they rang?
I've done a search and can't find anything so I was wondering if it was possible to withhold a number when sending and SMS text, like dialling 141 before a phone number. I've tried using 141 and this...
Just say an advert with a small man being carried on a larger man's shoulders. It had a tune in the background with something along the lines of "...freckles, shaped like puzzle pieces, they will see...
If 0? longitude is the Prime Meridian which runs through Greenwich, why does Google Earth load over some obscure town named Lincoln in Nebraska? I have looked but can find no way of changing this...