Since I changed my combined DVD/VCR I have had two DVDs which have refused to load leaving me with a message on the screen which says "This cannot be played or loaded". These are brand new DVD and can...
hi, im going 2 a fancy dress party... anybody know where i can buy some leopard ears and maybe some gloves? preferably from a shop, not online. thanks x
Hi, I remember in Rocky IV (or Rocky V) that it is revealed that Ivan Drago was putting metal in his gloves in order to devastate his opponents. I remember it from childhood but have never seen or...
just found a snail in my frozen peas. My toddler almost ate it!!!!!!!!!! Urggh! The thing is, i don't know what to do with it - do I take it back to the shop - Iceland. Or do i send it to...
I was bought a car and told I had alloys but someone recently told me they can't be alloys because they are flaking and look like they have rust which has caused "bubbling" on the surface. My tyre has...
I own a television, but only use it to watch pre-recorded DVD's and Videos. I therefore do not have a TV License. By not owning a TV License am I allowed to listen to the BBC radio channels?
not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but one of my biggest pet hates is that my fiance never sticks up for me. If, for example her mum, dad or sister say something quite rude, which has...
i'm a 4th year highschool student and our graduation is nearing that's why i'm really really desperate for a good good graduation song. a good graduation song that is not overused and a good...
Does anybody live in a place that doesn't have a Townie / Chav problem? And are your Townies / Chavs proud of being the missing link or do they consider themselves above "Townies" / "Chavs" ?...