10 years in the Police Force as a front line officer. Not the job it was, very political and no fun nowadays. Anybody know of jobs that would suit somebody in my situation. (Male 32yo) and I don't...
I want to get into eating more veg. I need some really easy but nice ways to cook them. I am quite unadventurous, and only eat peas, brocolli and cauliflower etc. But I would like to eat cabbage (how...
If you haven't already found the answer to the dreaded wales question gabriel batistuta was the last footballer to make a speech in welsh at wembley stadium.
Me and b.f are going camping to Edale(derbyshire)on Thursday for 2 nights.Just wondering if anyone has been,if so can you recommend a campsite.Doyou think we will get in a site or be too busy.--THANKS
which word goes befroe the following tomake four different words or expressions. 1.letter,line, black ,room. 2.let,half,glass, china. 3.son,daughter,hotel,master
My patner kindly repainted my hall, but being his usual messy self, got gloss paint on the carpet. Is it possible to get it out, or am I going to have to get a new carpet?! All suggestions gratefully...
Anyone know where I can get it? Why is it so elusive, an actual shop or an online one will be fine. I mean actual juice, concentrate ok but not the flavoured chemical cocktail type drinks. Thanks
Hi guys I wonder if anybody can possibly help or advise. My mum has always suffered with dermatitius eczema. More recently however, she has experienced an extremely severe flare up, brought on by the...
ive two or three frogs that have come to live in my pond which is great , however they seem to stir up any muck from the bottom of the pond making the water very murky .Do i need a better filter to...
I've just watched The Bill after a break of 6 or so weeks (holidays, no time etc...) what I need to know is - the last I saw Honey Harman and Scott were on the run .... !! I've just...