Does anybody know if there is an online site that will allow me to upload a small picture and turn it into a desktop icon, if there is where do I save it to once it has been made? I am running Windows...
I have recently downloaded VLC media player which is great for what I wanted it for but it has made itself my default player but I would prefer to have my original which was Windows media player so...
I decided to buy a spare battery for my phone just to use as a standby, having looked them up on the net the genuine one (Nokia) was £14.99. + p&p coming to almost £20. however I came...
My phone is coming up for renewal very soon and not being technically minded I don't know what to go for, people keep telling me that I should get either an Iphone or an Android phone (whatever that...
This is a long shot I know but does anybody remember an old advert for rolo's as I am trying to find the backing music, the advert would have been in the early 70s I guess and the music sounded like...
We decided to go out to the coast yesterday, had a reall good time and got home just after 10pm. That's when it all kicked off, I got a right ol ear bashing cos ''er indoors'' reckons that she missed...
I have just looked on a camera we bought 2 years ago and it displays 11 pictures that we took in Tenerife, I then removed the SD card, put it into a card reader which I then put into the USB port on...
Not being into all this computer malarkey, if I have a blank DVD disc of 4.7 GB just how many MB is that. I am asking this because when I want to save something on a DVD it always asks me ''how many...
I have a memory stick which has a promotion video of a selection P&O cruises on it, unfortunately I don't seem to have a program that will let me open & view the contents on the stick, I am...
I have just been reading in our local newspaper about a bloke that was remanded in custody for almost 2 months, when he went to court he was found totally innocent of any involvement in the case, so...
Friends of mine are on holiday soon and are Formula 1 racing fanatics. unfortunately they will be away for the next grand prix they have asked me if it is possible to download the race onto a memory...
I have only just discovered (after 13 months) that my mobile phone plan includes 100 kb. of Internet use now this does not seem like a lot to me but could anybody tell me how long this would last just...
I am looking to buy a net book but know next to nothing about computers so could anybody advise me what I should be looking for bearing in mind I can only afford to spend about £300 or less, I...
I was talking to a friend yesterday who was saying that the battery in his mobile was on it's last legs as the charge only lasted about half a day, but when he was searching online for a replacement...
My friend has just had a website built for her business and it has after about 3 weeks just appeared on Google on about the seventh page of that particular category, however there are always the same...
Can anybody tell me what the music is from the latest Dulux paint advert, it sounds like a harmonica playing, I looked on you tube to see if I could find it to show the one I meant but no luck but I'm...
Will anyone watch this television extravaganza?, will anybody be placing a bet for the UK. to win? the odds for the UK are at the moment 200/1. finally does anybody care?
Don't know if anybody saw this mornings Heartbeat on ITV3 this morning but it had a jazz music track when Greengrass was at the races, this bit of music has been driving me mad does anybody know what...