My fixed rate on my mortgage expires in 2011. When that happens is it easy just to get another fixed rate or do your current circumstances come into affect?
Now the reading is clear on the wall , and we can see it with the bare eyes that Islam is responsible for majority of conflicts , wars and terrorist attacks of last few decades (if not few centuries)....
has anyone ever heard of a guy called Matheson Bayley? think h'es english, I keep hearing his name on tv attached to films and musicals but cant find any info on him?
my car is parked in a private car park (owned by thecouncil) the car has no road tax, but is not parked on a public road. The council say I'm not breaking a driving law by parking it there, but will...
When Denzel wahington walks into the restaurant at the end of the film and talks to Jodie Foster's character and gives her the number for the war crimes unit. Then the Mayor of Ne York turns to her...
Once the brick work of building a house is complete and want to cover the brickwork in plaster to paint a different colour. what that kind of plasster called? also if you're building on a slope, how...
I was recently stopped on the road doing 80mph in a 30 zone. I have no insurance, tax or M.O.T. I passed my test 6 moths ago and bought a cheap car but could not afford to buy any of these things. I...