Just in case any Listener fans are watching this website, here is a link to tomorrow's Times article: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/art s_and_entertainment/books/article4786591.ece (I...
21d. Eastern ornament gains this country bit of excitement (7) --T-U-E 23a. Violent mobs trapped male? Certainly with black explosive device (5,4) Think SMOKE BOMB but can't see why?? Any takers??...
Derogatory word for offical papers, documents (4)B?M? I thought this shd be BUMPH but only four letters? Also Trademark for duplicating printed matter O?A?ID
Brand names you find in a supermarket/grocery store 1)Cabbage? (6) 2)Angry with these dark holes? (6,3,10) 3)Lets hear it for serial purveyors of audible rice (8) 4)the very first ones to be passed on...
Is there an error in 25 down (Has ink blended for cursive script - 6 letters)? I thought the answer was Naskhi (given in Chambers as a variant for Neskhi and Neski), but I can only get 33 ac and 35 ac...
10a A tsar upset Muslim ruler in Russian city (9) 13a & 14a The time to bring down the curtain, taking everything into consideration? (4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4) 19a & 22a Petit d?jeuner or cornflakes at ten?...
Hello from Ottawa, nice and sunny. May even get above 0. Need help with 2 please: 11A: Common European bird that has brown streaked plummage and a black head; R_E_BUNTING and 21D: Bird, like a...
1. Servants (7) 2.heard at a seance (7) 3.Wendy-house (7) 4.Chase the herbivore for cash (8) 5. peaceful night (6,7) 6. cheating (7) 7. cheat's river crossing (10) many thanks in advance