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Just in case any Listener fans are watching this website, here is a link to tomorrow's Times article: s_and_entertainment/books/article4786591.ece (I...
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3d Venetian artist has to draw Venetian traveller (7) T_ E _O_O
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The last Listener puzzle in the 3000-series is Tobacco by Mr Lemon Any guesses who will be next week's Jumbo compiler ? (I'm hoping for Dimitry)
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Does anyone else suppose that Columba meant an 11-letter, three-word phrase? All done, but can't see the dozen.
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Let's hope 08/08/08 is also lucky for Listener solvers - here is 40 by Zero
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11a Cockney bloke entertained by own gag (5) H???E
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This quarter's numerical puzzle is Odd One Out by Oyler
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If you'd rather not pay for Lip Service by Sabre, here it is.
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Answers are writers names 1 In Hebron Tea? (6) 2 Garlic Herbe? (2-5) 3 Re Brucie (10) Many thanks
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This week's puzzle is Symbolism by Wasp - watch out for the sting !
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21d. Eastern ornament gains this country bit of excitement (7) --T-U-E 23a. Violent mobs trapped male? Certainly with black explosive device (5,4) Think SMOKE BOMB but can't see why?? Any takers??...
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This week's puzzle is City Tour by Mango
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Derogatory word for offical papers, documents (4)B?M? I thought this shd be BUMPH but only four letters? Also Trademark for duplicating printed matter O?A?ID
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The latest is here: 1859 by Ascot
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What comes next Athens Paris London Stockholm.
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Brand names you find in a supermarket/grocery store 1)Cabbage? (6) 2)Angry with these dark holes? (6,3,10) 3)Lets hear it for serial purveyors of audible rice (8) 4)the very first ones to be passed on...
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Is there an error in 25 down (Has ink blended for cursive script - 6 letters)? I thought the answer was Naskhi (given in Chambers as a variant for Neskhi and Neski), but I can only get 33 ac and 35 ac...
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10a A tsar upset Muslim ruler in Russian city (9) 13a & 14a The time to bring down the curtain, taking everything into consideration? (4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4) 19a & 22a Petit d?jeuner or cornflakes at ten?...
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Hello from Ottawa, nice and sunny. May even get above 0. Need help with 2 please: 11A: Common European bird that has brown streaked plummage and a black head; R_E_BUNTING and 21D: Bird, like a...
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1. Servants (7) 2.heard at a seance (7) 3.Wendy-house (7) 4.Chase the herbivore for cash (8) 5. peaceful night (6,7) 6. cheating (7) 7. cheat's river crossing (10) many thanks in advance

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