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ToraToraTora Instead of hand wringing and allowing the EUSSR to shaft us, should we just accept no deal and prepare for it as best we can in the remaining time?...
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Loved the Sky News caption with his announcement that he was joining the Lib Dems. It was "Chukka Defects"....
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Traveling from Edinburgh to Inverness as a passenger, I know the A9 has a bad reputation.,but the scenery was breathtaking Scotland really is a beautiful country,and yes I go abroad 3 times a year,if...
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That 50 yrs ago, we could have a (clear) conversation with someone almost a quarter of a million miles away on the moon with no problem and yet in this day and age with advanced technology, (mobile...
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Explosions on two tankers. The incident comes a month after four oil tankers were attacked off the UAE. Trouble afoot?...
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A prolific contributor hasn't been seen on AB since last Saturday with some health problems. Hope she is in good health....
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Good value I thought until I got it home and noticed the word Raspberry on the label. Then I noticed that the Acoholic Content was 32,5% where as plain Barcardi was 37.5%. Another con
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ToraToraTora Please Mr EUSSR save us from the Nasty UK! I've got this little red riding hood vision, oo gramdma what be teeth you have.........
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I notice that 'religion and spirituality' is now a disregarded topic since the Tory leadership contest has begun. Does that show what people are really interested in?
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Country is going to pot. When are we going to lock these people up? If plod actually bother to investigate that is, probably too many Twitter insults to be dug into....
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ToraToraTora Who are these people? Who can possibly conclude that this savage should ever see the daylight...
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At a time when the government is in complete disarray and we're faced with a rogues gallery of unappealing candidates for our next PM, we have an equally shambolic opposition led by an even more...
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I was thinking i wanted steak, but instead i'm going to make beef tacos. There is some grated cheese at home, which makes life easier. I need to use up some mince, onions and fajita mix so all i need...
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Sorry to hear this. I will miss his posts. Intelligent man, who I very rarely disagreed with. If you look in Talbot, I'm another one who will miss your posts. Cheerio and good luck. I couldn't reply...
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I wonder do some on here speak like this in the real world or just on here? Pooter =computer Hossie =hospital Pressie =present There are more but can’t think of any more just now...
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webbo3 Imagine the uproar if they said. Kill a black person. Kill a Muslim. Kill a Jew. Remember Jo Cox was killed by a right wing nutter. Are the the lovely left or...
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mushroom25 will the government or security agencies do anything to stop this going ahead? or will they just stand back and watch, as they did last time?...
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Sister wants a dishwasher 'to save all that pan scrubbing'. Told her it doesn't in fact save all that scrubbing, and that you have to do all that scrubbing before putting pots and pans into it, or at...

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