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Intrinsically not quiet, originally, as a language (4) I have e-s- and I assume the answer is "erse" but, for the life of me, I can't work out the wordplay. Yet again, the last clue..... Steven...
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This is SO annoying! I have only one left to do (again!). Series of columns covered all but last of special series? (4) I have ?t?a. The only word that I can think of is Etna but, other than the fact...
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51 ac "Bird repeller to keep crows primarily this?" I have s*a*c*r but I simply cannot think what the answer might be. And while I am on. "Island rescuers on road caught boy almost meeting early...
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"island not far above sea level announced possible drugs unit" (4) i have *i*o but I simply can't work out the answer. It's so frustrating that, yet again, i am within one clue of finishing what I...
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I have t-e-t-p- and all I can think of is treetops but I can't make sense of it. Can someone help please? Steven...
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can some one help me witht he logic of my final clue please? 10d "Holiday resort that is bad? Indeed, having entered one's first to leave." (6,5) I have S*i*l*/ I*l*s. So the answer would seem to be...
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I have to give up and seek the help of experts! 45 d. Close to thigh, seeing red suspenders. I have -a-g- r. So, hanger is a possibility but I can't work out the logic. Please can someone help? It's...
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This is SO annoying! I love doing the generalist as it brings out all the (best) nerdy side of me. Having finished my exams I had the time to search for the answers and, with one exception, I have...
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"Northern city that's nothing other than smart" I have O?e?s? Which suggests Odessa. But I really can't see the whole clue. Yet again, I fail on one clue! I have ALL the others and can see the logic...
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Advice please: 16 a "Dismiss Paul Revere, might one say, then head off nut" (5,3) I have *s*e*/ o**. I think the last letter might be t (see below) so that could give "usher out". I can see the...
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The flower one has got me! I have even tried to find an answer in my mother's RHS book but to no avail. But I am confident that someone out there knows! The clue (27d) is: genus of ornamental plants...
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Hourglass just after turning? One works for many hours. 4,5 I am pretty sure it's full timer but I can't work out the "full" part...
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Hourglass just after turning? One works for many hours. (4,5) The answer seems to be full timer but I can't work out the "full" part. Annoying because I have managed to the rest of the crossword which...
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Please can someone help with the final clue but one which is totally baffling me?2d. Count in binary,say,impossible at the outset. I have B*S*E Thank you steven j...
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The good news is that, after two disastrous weeks (barely more that two thirds completed), this week's has restored my confidence. But the really bad news is that I am in serious trouble at school...
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last one (and infuriating!) 3d "Sweet food that may be salvaged from middle of wreckage" 5,4 I have t*p*y/ *a*e which suggests that the second word is cake. Tippy cake? topsy cake? Help...
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"bread for thrushes"
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Finished! I now get so much pleasure from understanding and solving these clues. All thanks to Lie-in King, bibblebub and others whose "masterclasses" helped me crack the code. When I say...
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Pased the ball to set up goal? Try to stop that.(6) I have d-f-n- So it could be define or defend but I don't see any rationale for either. Is "try" something to do with rugby? Please can...
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After I realised that it was "saddle stitch" and not "baffle stitch" a lot fell into place. BUT two still defeat me 29ac Singer's general style perceived on playing disc" I...

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