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After two very bleak weeks when I thought I had gone back to the beginners stage, I have done quite well with this one. But two cluels are defeating me.51d as a dog, obey the swine. I have###l. And52...
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40d Bloody fool, I turned up on variable schedule I have I*I*E*A*Y so i reckon the answer is itinerary BUT, while I can see the fool up (nit) and I on it, I just can't work out the rest. As you see, I...
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47d Unlikely to have short time in captivity I have R*M*S (not convinced about the s) but i just don't see what it can be. Infuriating because it's the last one in what I thought was a pretty tough...
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This is boy Steven reporting for a Master Class. I have completed the crossword except for 36d. "Got a hundred, perhaps one of many tons made with strong defence" I have d*e*d*o*g*t so the...
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"altering the progress of" I have I*T*R*E*T*I*N*. So it could be interjecting, intersecting interserting interverting. But none of them QUITE means what is asked of us....
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18 ac Vehicle suitable for snow and ice in the US, we hear I have s*e*g* so both sledge and sleigh fit. Sleigh can sound like slay so that seems to be the answer but I am not really certain as to why....
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"By the sound of it, breeds birds" I have r*e*s which suggests "reeds". If that's right, I get the bird part but I don't get the "By the sound of it breeds" part. Is...
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"a short letter" epistlelet?
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MKSA units proposed in 1904. (6,6) Georgi something?...
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how old were you when you were allowed to bath yourself?
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Sojourn. terminal?
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I always resist coming here until i have worked at the clues so long that I have to accept defeat. Amazingly, when I get here I find that I have worked out the answers to others' queries but there is...
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5 ac "what may fight infection in post room" 4/4 I have m*s*/c*l* which suggests "mass cull". The first part of the clue fits but, for the life of me, I can't get the "post...
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Can someone please explain why 4d (Drug store a school originally set up) is Dopamine? It's the only word I can find that fits but I just don't follow the reasoning. It's driving me nuts! Thank you
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9ac "Did bridge journalists' errors make for this perhaps?" I have c*o*s*d so the answer seems to be "crossed". I can see the "cross" = "bridge" and...
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"fishes with membranes and bones in the skull and jaws" t*l*o*t*m*s...
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Is 51 down "meet"? Please explain if it is. I can follow the "attend to" bit but why "assigned patrol"?
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