Gidday, in about 1992..... the winter of.. I was slaving away as a student in the post office so I didn't have to eat out of bins and there was a song high in the charts that sounded spanish and the...
Hi There Any builder type folk out there who may know the answer to this one... Please can anyone advise me how dryrot would be treated in a property i.e is it sprayed ? This answer would be useful in...
Someone once told me they built a hospital with lead only in the x ray room walls due to the rays inability to travel vertically and therefore not needed in ceings or floors. Is this crap? or true? I...
Does anyone know how to build and exterior notice board? We have looked on the internet and ebay but they are so expensive - over ?300. Would appreciate any advice.
Looking for Builder or similar: I need to soundproof a ceiling/floor between a bedroom and a living room against footstep noise going downwards, and airbourne noise going upwards. I have access to the...
I'm hoping to buy some ready made vertical blinds to go in the recess of my window. Ready made ones are either too big or too small and I can't afford made to measure ones. If you can cut to size, how...
This is the story of Rindercella and her sugly isters. Rindercella and her sugly isters lived in a marge lansion. Rindercella worked very hard frubbing sloors, emptying poss pits, and shivelling shot....
Hi. Can anyone suggest a cheap parking solution to parking on soil. I've considered paving slabs, gravel but this seems quite complicated to a novice DIY'er like myself. Someone did mention a mesh...
Hi I am off camping on Friday for two weeks in Cornwall. I dont think its going to be beach holiday somehow so can anyone recommend somewhere to go and hve a good time in the wet - kids friendly. I...
Some of our friends are emigrating to Australia. Our group has had a collection for a present for them but we dont know what to get. We have a group photo which we would like to give them and about...