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A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak.
The monsignor replied, “ When I am worried about getting nervous On the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass.... ...
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An elderly man answered a knock at the door, and the caller said, "I'm collecting on behalf of the save our swimming pool calpain and all donations will be greatly received. The elderly man said... ...
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Bill: Where did you get that gold watch Joe?
Joe: I won it in a race.
Bill: How many people participated in it?
Joe: Three, a policeman, the owner of the watch, and me!

“A man walks into a pharmacy... ...
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A woman goes on holiday to Jamaica. Upon arriving, she meets a black man, and after a night of passionate love making she asks him, 'What is your name?' 'I can't tell you,' the man says. Every night...
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Thoughts for the day: Birds of a feather flock together and crap on your car. A penny saved is a government oversight. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right...
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And the Lord said unto John "come forth and ye shall receive eternal life" But John came fifth, and won a toaster....
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I can attempt that either online or off-line. I'm primed and ready to do this. We have to seize the night. This avocation isn't a secret weapon known only to mere mortals. Surely, why will that...
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What do you call a Spaniard who loses his car? Carlos __________ A police dog responds to an ad for work with the CID. "Well," says the personnel director, "You'll have to meet some strict...
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"Push harder!" I shouted at my wife while she was in labour. "I hate you, I hate you more than I've ever hated anyone!" she screamed back at me. Bit harsh I thought… it wasn't my fault the car broke...
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Smilz CBD Oil CBD Canada is a valid coloration of cannabidiol and hemp eliminates. This oil is beneficial in lessening all of the issues from the frame of the individual. Both of these concentrates...
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Dental appointment, tootherty
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Prince Charles was driving around his mother’s estate when he accidentally ran over her favourite dog, a Corgi, crushing it to a pulp. He got out of his Range Rover and sat down on the grass totally...
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My partner has just found out I have spent all our savings on Muppets memorabilia. It's time to face the music....
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21d sold in need of spruced up bathroom (7) R?T?L?D - if rattled why?
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2 Down - Good metals, like lead (5) ?o??
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Four letter word for "smell"...
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20d "Yankee faces married supporters" looks like Y-FRONTS, but (without being too anatomical) what has "married" to do with them please? [Y R N S from other clues.]...
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Venue for RHS show this month 10
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A perpetual criminal offender is brought to the court house for trial. However the judge is a duck wearing robes and a powdered wig . The criminal is incensed, he shouts out "I will not be judged by a...
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A young boy came home from school and told his mother. "I had a big fight with my classmate.” “He called me a sissy." The mother asked, "What did you do?" The boy replied, "I hit him with my...

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