I've just started tackling a fiendish looking grid! It's too complicated to explain, so I was hoping for a little bit of help as I've ground to a halt. 43 A. Plant's fruit sliced by kind woman (8)...
Really enjoyable & satisfying crossword - but I've no idea about the "highlight a cryptic seven-letter represation"
Any ideas would be appreciated
Thanks in advance...
I thought one only had to get two but the office here said needs 2 + 1, but this says 2 http://www.euro-milli...esults/26-08-2011.asp so does the minimum 2 have to be 2 numbers and no stars, or one...
Last two to complete this - for fun only, as I have no chance of working out the thematic answer. 17 D. African country made famous by Bronowski?(3) NA? (I want put 'Nat' but don't know why) 24 D....
ground to halt-help and explanations.please
10a jet left to fly past 4 ??C?
12a 'not in the wider interests' primarily wrong-best showing some inellce 6 E???I?
19a club masters 4 ??C?
Another nice Inquisitor crossword with a satisfying conclusion. Why isn't this crossword treated with the reverence (apparently) reserved for the Listener? (which it quite often rivals). Too often...
More help please 10d Crucil autograph figures at top of stave ??? ?????t???
(3 & 8) and - 13d Unimportant person's power over a working week (10) ?????E???T...
I've got lots of the "straightforward" answers and some of the misprints but am struggling with some of the odd entry lengths as this wasn't mentioned in the preamble. Any tips would be...
18 down: Get up to mount docked horse, a long drop from here? (7)
I'm sure the answer is Niagara, but I don't understand the wordplay, can anyone enlighten me please?...
Hi I'm stuck on two 22 down Smile when Wagner's work is rarely presented preposterously (4) _ R _ N I'm sure this should be grin from Lohengrin? 21 down Sisters whose origin is in old Scandinavian...
13D Love going out fishing after work - little lady's understanding (10) ?N?I?????? 21D Island races attracted sexy girl (5) 25A Afircan fighters in clear essentially (4)
I posted a perfectly polite notice on the Times website creating a discussion about this week's puzzle - along the lines of: "I am getting a bit fed up with the preponderance of cartes blanches,...
Hello, I'm stuck on two: 39 down: The science o medical devices for artificially supporting bones etc.. O _ T _ O _ I _ S I'm assuming osteo---- 44 down: In biochemistry a product that splits...
I've solved most of this puzzle, including 6D, but have a mismatch of seemingly sensible answers for 7D, 10D and 12A. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.