I was wondering if anyone has undergone orthodontics at a later stage in their life? It is recommended at an early age but i'm now 21 and have a tooth (canine I think) which sticks out. I have been...
I was thinking of having my belly button peirced for my 21st birthday but i'm afraid of the pain! Has anyone else had it done? How much did it hurt? Is it like ear piercing? In the past, my...
It's nothing new, nor is it original, but I can't sleep and i'm bored! So.. I say a word, and you say another which is associated in any way to the previous one that I mention. E.G If I say...
In the past, AB discussed this, but I didn't seem to find the thread again. Has anyone try it and did it work? How long for and which particular cream? (for dark circles and puffiness)
Can anyone recommend a decent eye cream, regardless of price, that has helped them even in the slightest in reducing dark circles under the eyes... I mean actual treatments not concealers.
Does waxing really minimise hair growth or is it just me thinking so? I think it does! Also, would anyone recommend laser hair removal and on what kind of hair/body part is it most effective? I have...
Hi all. Does anyone know of any tried and tested natural stuff (eg yogurt) that's good for using on your face. I have sensitive skin so any sort of chemicals leave me with side effects or no effects!...