For investing ISA long term ( minimum 10yrs) ,less than 50k(for a family).No share dealing .Keen to find one which will have lowest costs/charges for above circumstances.
My PS3 cannot be repaired so John Lewis offered me option to buy another or a full refund.However, refund seems best option as they actually no longer sell PS3s.My friend claims because of this that...
I believe Gauguins rarely come onto the market and with the record price achieved, does anyone know how much the last Gauguin painting achieved? Also is Nafea Faa Ipoipo one of his more significant...
My friend is at the appeal stage of redundancy.His employer has to make cuts . All those selected are over 40 yrs old (there are younger staff).One employee with a poor sickness record threatened them...
I had a problem with incorrect info with Bill Angel monitor of mobile data useage as it failed to flag up data exceed warning. Talkmobile replied "The Bill Angel application does not belong to...
i tried to sign up to Talk Talk package but i was told they "don't have their own equipment installed at my local exchange".When i queired further they said there was "no space at the exchange" Anyone...
Comparing my annual energy uesage from april to april with 2 suppliers inoticed that with my current supplier i used 33% more gas but 26% less electricity -is this normal or is there something wrong...
I was rather surprised to learn that Tesco accepted competitors vouchers-or did. So can anyone update current situ -as i believe Tesco no longer accept ? What about other supermarkets do they accept...
There is a mystery small pool of water at the entrance to my downstairs bathroom.It seems to happen overnight and there seems to be no source and nothing else in bathroom shows sign of leakage or...
I have samsung galaxy ace - and on all browesrs the AB submit button is greyed out-so i cant post using my phone.Is this a problem particular to this phone ?
I have a work rota that has long weekends off (Sat to Monday) every other week.However, this costs me an extra £8 a month in travel expenses. The other rota gives every other weekend off btw -so it...
Thinking of getting a smartphone running windows apps.Any disadvantages over android ? I know Android have more apps(although most seem to be of the same function) but what about free apps i guess...
My cat (as one would expect) is very alert to birds ( even chases flies) and yet we have just got a parrott and the our cat and another neigbourhood one are simply curious or confused(when parrott...
Keep getting lots of spam ads and fake update chrome etc.Run many anti -malware scans and the above TicTuaCouapon 2.5 i deleted from chrome extensions-only for it to reappear (which a lot of nasties...
My Tivo Box works fine apart from the fact that from day 1(i have had it for @ 6 months) catch up/demand is verry slow.My old VM box was instant. Is this a characteristic of tivo ( as boot up also...