My news channels have all been reset into 100s channels, ie Skynews used to be 82 but now its 132. Have reset my box, alas no change.
Have yours moved & why ?...
Indian woman seeks asylum in Ireland for an rape abortion that was denied and she died after being ceasored at 24weeks. If the baby survives it will be put into Care. aljazeera news broadcasts show...
this will be fun, wot say you?
Has fb changed the message facility? Has it got to be Instant Messaging - i find that too intrusive. Is there any way of returning to the past way & without revealing phone numbers?...
Am a widow and prefer to be titled Mrs rather than Ms. Ms is a lone female and denotes gender equality according to PC. I'm not comfortable with Ms be bandied globally about me whereas Mr gives no...
If the hedgerow is on the OS boundary line and am proven to own the hedgerow can the neighbor remove the hedgerow back to the boundary line & claim that land as theirs?...
My friend Paddy just told me that he robbed a shop last night. What you get ? I asked. 26 pictures, he replied smiling while showing me. The cheapest one is worth £180,000. I said, "Paddy, these are...