I can't get my head round the new method of payment for Tesco online grocery shopping. I've shopped online at Tesco and had my groceries delivered for years, and always used my card details without a...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63037696 ..the penny has finally dropped. Sir Beer realised he must become Tory Lite to win. Now how is he going to clear out all the reds under the bed? He may...
Good morning everyone - sun is shining brightly but still quite a chill in the air ….I’m planning on getting out into the garden later, before the inevitable rain comes back down the track. Here are...
Is anyone else doing this quiz? Really stuggling with the images being so small. It's going to be difficult to ask for help on here unless people have a copy of the quiz. What do others think?
Good morning everyone - that wretched wind is back with a vengeance so outdoors is not an option, even though the sun is shining …..if yesterday is anything to go by, that won’t last. Grumble, grumble...
Good morning everyone - just setting this up in the hope that someone will post todays links when they become available….so far, I’m not able to access todays puzzle from the Telegraph so we must just...
Good morning everyone - a rather dreary start here ….it’s overcast and they promised sunshine and those clowns who supposedly delivery my paper have either hidden it somewhere or just haven’t bothered...
Good morning everyone - not too bad a morning, sun is shining and so far….no wind !! Fantastic !! I might manage some time outside with the weeds if it stays like this :) Now for the links …..lots to...
help please-and parsing-last few 2d nasty double whammy leaving a body in confusion 7 W???M?? 3d french town in brirain?not on! 4 AL?? 24d the steel mobile home 5 ?E?EE tepee?but why steel? 21a in a...
Inflation in the U/K hits 10.1 percent. The highest in 40 years and the highest in G/7 . Well done Boris and his Brigade of Con Merchants, you certainly are following in Thatchers Footsteps.
Good morning everyone - not too bad a morning, sun is shining, but rather cool and not sure how long the sun will last …more rain is forecast so could be a good one to stay inside !! Now for the...
Good morning, some answers would be appreciated for the following, thanks! ACROSS: 11 Ivied ruin falls over, by God’s law (4,6) : I??E???J?? 24 Halfway up on mountain: one at most, in Italy (2,3):...
In the instructions to 2567 Fieldfare uses the expression 'as found pleasingly in Brewer'.
Is the word 'pleasingly' a red herring. If not, why did he use it?...
Good morning everyone - it might turn into a half decent day today ….and then again, it might not !! We’ve had lots of rain and strong winds for the past few and promises/threats of more to come …..oh...