Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here for the start of a long weekend …Anzac Day on Monday, when in Adelaide it invariably rains !! It doesn’t have to be Monday, but I’d be very happy to see a...
Good evening, enjoyed a very interesting Cheesecracker offering today! Could not help smiling at the originality of the title and got the theme quite early! However, I’m baffled by one clue for which...
Somewhat baffled by Cheesecracker this week. Grid virtually complete except for the unclued 20d. I have ESTER?AS?. And why the the different ending to a famous rhyme at 41a? Any help would be...
I forgot to sign the cheque. Price of postage, I'm reluctant to send another one! Does anyone have Neville's Charity account bank details? Or failing that, his email so I can ask....
For example, in one country, an airline lost my luggage and does not want to refund the cost of the luggage. Can I sue this airline in another country? Do you have any suggestions on how best to do...
I am looking for sea shanties suitable for toddlers to learn , well, up to school age, for a children's music group. All I can think of so far is Bobby Shaftoe and What shall we do with the drunken...
We have a $300 onboard spend with our trip. Haven’t set foot on ship yet, but had an email today to say they we now have $229.98! How could we spend anything when we haven’t even started cruising?...
Todays game between Liverpool and Man city, I have a great distaste of both clubs obviously (United) but do hope for a good game I'm going for a 2-1 for the pail blues. What say you?
Good morning, answers to the following should lead me to completing the unclued lights. Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 13 Oxford college with pool and some land (7) : ??N???E 37 The Gallic gentleman...
Good morning everyone - a lovely day here but I believe it’s going to deteriorate over the next few days …hope it brings some rain with it. So glad I’m not flying anywhere these holidays - if the...
help please re theme-also 17a lustred cloth pressed by a painter ?6 ??TA?? 21a almost like Hamlet's hairs 5 TR??? tress? 22a i blend fine rum mixing one for madam 7 ??I???R 37a the gallic gentleman...
Good morning everyone - our beautiful Autumn weather continues, luckily with a lot less windy than we’ve had, it’s a joy to be outside enjoying it, plus I have the added bonus of my daughters company...
No52 egg producers supply at troubled state (8) No65 this toothless creature can hide away (7) No75 bagged doll had been purchased unseen (3&2&1&4) No92 formerly thought to be the lion's provider, it...