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I have noticed that my Lurcher Cross has started to sit down and wipe her bottom on the floor as if her bottom is itching. Anyone have any ideas what this could be and what i could do to...
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Why do some white, British people feel the need to speak in a West Indian accent? Do they not realise how stupid it sounds? I am not being racist by asking this genuine question!
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how do you make a tissue dance?
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mr. piper
Has anyone else let down their parents that always wanted you to be a doctor lawyer etc. or take over the family lace hankie factory. yet you dug your heels in and did your own things? My dad taught...
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Did he really say "Of all the gin joints in all the world you had to walk into mine"?  Also, did he say "Play it again Sam"?
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What did you think of her singing? (I didn't think she could sing, but wondered what you thought).
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I was wondering if it is possible to paint a bath? not the plastic ones, but an iron one. I thought perhaps you may be able to use enamel paint?
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Can anyone tell me if there is a specific time of night when DIY noise must stop? 
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what courses is there working and looking after children in schools at dinnertime
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I am looking to buy a pay monthly contract mobile phone but only have a visa electron card this is proving to be very hard as hardly anyone accepts this card can you help
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Are rats nocturnal? Do they play much during the day?
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silly moo
Is now the time to accept people 'engaging in dialogue'. It's obviously what so many would like, and it wouldn't detract from the main purposr of Q's and A's.
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i have been trying without luck to find information about this starred victor mcguire from bread.its almost as if this series never happened.can you please confirm that its not just in my...
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is it possible to train my collie terrier X out of stealing other peoples footballs.if we are out and he is off lead and spots one i have no chance of him coming back with it.i cease to exist and...
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Last week a very pretty girl was walking past my daughter's house, when she made a clearing noise in her throat, then spat on the pavement. My daughter & I were astounded & the girl...
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Dom Tuk
It seems to me that the initial effect publicising of banning mobile phone usage while driving has worn off. I see loads of people doing it and counted one in every 15 passing car with a mobile phone...
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What have you got planed for this bank holiday weekend?
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Can anyone suggest a birthday present for a six year old boy please? He and his brother are always unimpressed when I give them books, but seem to have all the latest toys, games, sporting equipment...
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I have moved house in the past month, and am registered to vote at old house, but it is too late to register at new house. Assuming I cannot get hold of my voting card from old house - am I still able...
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silly moo
Has anyone else decided on hymns / readings for their own funerals? I like Christina Rosetti's When I am dead my dearest Sing no sad songs for me Plant thou no roses at my head Or shady cypress tree...

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