Hi All Just Kidding! Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that today is my last day as your AB Editor. It has been a laugh, for sure and I will treasure all the sarcasm and confounding bits of...
An answer to a question posted earlier says teeth are 70% inorganic, what exactly does inorganic mean, as I would have though as it was grown by the human body it must be organic....
i would like to know what people think about this. have you ever experienced problems whilst being in hospital? did it make you feel vunerable or helpless? did u have the opposite experience?are you...
I have been in a new job since May 06, but alot of the time I am left working the office alone, and I mean on my own, my boss is usually away on the road etc - but what does concern me is if i were to...
my girlfriends ex is a sever alcoholic who reguraly suffers blackouts. During some of these blackouts he has visited my girlfriend and beat her up. before I started seeing her there were 17 domestic...
I would just like to know why women and girls are obsessed with soldiers and think that being an Army wife is wonderful. Some people will go to great lengths to meet and marry a soldier. Being an Army...
Ok... Recently I slept with someone I shouldn't have! I can't go into to much detail as I am scared who will read this but this guy is an ex of a friends sister! They had been broken up almost a month...
hey everybody. i've just stumbled across this site while looking for the answer to a quiz question for my sis abroad. found the answer so thats all well and good, but then had a wander around the...
Outside my village stores this morning there was an peasant woman with an equally vulgar child begging [edited by ABED]!!!!. Well for starters, we don't have that sort of thing here, so naturally I...
If you wanna have a real laugh check out David Hasselhoff's new song and video!! Me and my collegues have just been cracking up round my computer!! Just wiping away the tears now!!...
Who would like to see something hilariously funny? Unfortunately it's a .pdf file but I'm happy to e-mail it to you if you give me your e-mail address. I'm in tears of laughter here!! :'oD
On countless TV shows and movies when kids are in class and the bell rings they pack up their books and run out of the class as quick as lightning. The teachers says something like "And don't forget...
If you didn't hear what happend, yesterday he was filming a show about dangerous animals in the sea i think it was and he got stung in the chest by a Jelly Fish that made a hole in his heart and died...