Hears that wizard wears topaz (3,6) the answer is a literary character-first name begins j k or l -someone suggested Jay Gatsby but I don't think that's right
Hello, I faintly remember a Sherlock Holmes story in which SH takes a deck of cards from a club, takes them home, looks at each trick in turn and analyses whether the dead man was a good bridge player...
16a High-pitched or tinkling alto parts(7) OR?H?AN orthian fits but how do alto parts come into it? 30a Foursomes in international entering good steady scores (5) ?AIES 19a Workers etc feed us, work...
Finished but don't understand 21 down Fruit supplier is very upset about dock This comes out as SERPENT while PEN is a word for dock I can find nothing for SERT In any event I don't get the...
stylish in reverse - 2 words - 4, 8; the answer is a tourist attraction in British Isles. help please - I know I have posted this before but did not get any replies
Each and every letter of the alphabet is allocated a different number 1-26. Find the value of every letter given the following words, eg. IVY has got to be 1+2+3 total 6, but I could be either 1.2.or...
4d smooth sticks picked up 4 sm?? 26d Form of cross back on Valiant perhaps being seaworthy 4 t??t 29a Soldiering hurts in The London Regiment per'aps 4 ??m? 23a Forgotten curse for example ahead of...
Nearly finished, but need a bit of help with three clues. 29 across: Sad unionist distraught after following gangs (6) S_UADS (I feel it should be squads which are gangs but don't understand the...
help please 23 stamina,possibly a help when struggling with nag 8 P?AN?? 4 bass set before soaks , whenj admitted-of which many will be in their cups!7 ?R??S?? 13 internet education the french put...
Clue 16. Fabrication of skins (not fashionable)clothing leaders in Africa regal ones?(6) ?iross
I can't figure out where I have gone wrong in this very tricky xword. Please help....